For years, the stories of West African migrants and refugees have been told through the lenses of foreign journalists. Now there is a story from the inside.
Part road-trip, part memoir, part journalistic investigation, REVENIR follows Kumut Imesh, a refugee from the Ivory Coast now living in France, as he returns to the African continent and attempts to retrace the same journey that he himself took when forced to flee civil war in his country … But this time with a camera in his hand.
Traveling alone, Kumut will be documenting his own journey; both as the main protagonist in front of the camera, as well as the person behind it, revealing the human struggle for freedom and dignity on one of the most dangerous migratory routes in the world.
A controversial film experiment, a courageous journey and a unique collaboration between filmmaker and refugee; which is not without consequences.
Pendant des années, les récits des migrants d’Afrique de l’Ouest et des réfugiés ont été racontés à travers les yeux de journalistes étrangers. Maintenant, il y a une histoire racontée de l’intérieur.
À la fois un road-trip, une autobiographie et une enquête journalistique, REVENIR suit Kumut Imesh, un réfugié de la Côte d’Ivoire habitant maintenant en France, qui retourne sur le continent africain pour y tenter de retracer le chemin qu’il prit lorsqu’il dû fuir la guerre civile de son pays… Mais cette fois, il le fait avec une caméra à la main.
Voyageant seul, Kumut documentera son propre voyage sous deux angles : celui du personnage principal devant la caméra, ainsi que celui de la personne derrière la caméra, montrant l’aspiration humaine à la liberté et à la dignité sur une des routes migratoires les plus dangereuses au monde.
Un projet de film controversé, un voyage plein de courage et une collaboration unique entre cinéaste et réfugié qui n’est pas sans conséquences.
With English subtitles | Avec sous-titres français | Con subtitulos en español | Con sottotitoli in italiano | Mit deutschen Untertiteln
(Category 1 – NGOs, Non-Profits,
& Community Groups
€70 (approx. $80)
plus delivery, worldwide
(Category 2 – Schools, TAFEs,
Colleges, & Public Libraries)
€120 (approx. $137)
plus delivery, worldwide

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– WINNER “Jury Prize” at the Document Human Rights Film Festival 2018 (Glasgow, Scotland)
– Monday 4th December, 2017 | Rabat, MOROCCO | Festival Migrant’scène (World Pre-Premiere)
– Saturday 24th March, 2018 | Lagos, NIGERIA | iREPRESENT International Documentary Film Festival
– Wednesday 25th April, 2018 (18:00) | Lima, PERU | Censurados Film Festival (Universidad de Lima)
– Wednesday 9th May | Izmir, TURKEY | Migrant Stories Festival
– Wednesday 16th May, 2018 (18:00) | Tijuana, MEXICO | Censurados Film Festival (Cine Tonalá)
– Tuesday 15th May 2018 (20:00) | Marseille, FRANCE | Le Polygone étoilé
– Friday 18th May, 2018 (10:00) | Salerno, ITALY | Salerno University
– Thursday 24th May, 2018 (20:00) | Salerno, ITALY | Mumble Rumble
– Friday 15th June (18:00) | Brisbane, AUSTRALIA | Griffith University
– Saturday 16th June, 2018 (16:00) | Graz, AUSTRIA | Chiala Afrika Festival
– Saturday 16th June (Details T.B.C.) | Berne, SWITZERLAND | Kreativ Asyl
– Tuesday 19th June (19:00) | Ljubljana, SLOVENIA | Festival of Migrant Film
– Wednesday 20th June, 2018 (18:45) | Hamburg, GERMANY | Cinema 3001
– Wednesday 20th June 2018 (Time T.B.C.) | Cordoba, SPAIN | Filmoteca de Andalucía
– Saturday 30th June, 2018 (Details T.B.C.) | Ischia, ITALY | Ischia International Film Festival
– Sunday 1st July (6:30pm) | Blackheath (NSW), AUSTRALIA | Venue T.B.C.
– Thursday 5th July (20:30) | Amsterdam, THE NETHERLANDS | Joe’s Garage
– Friday 6th July (20:30) | Amsterdam, THE NETHERLANDS | Bollox
– Saturday 7th July 2018 (16:00) | Amsterdam, THE NETHERLANDS | MigratieRoute Tetterode
– Sunday 8th July 2018 (21:00) | Amsterdam, THE NETHERLANDS | Filmhouse Cavia
– Friday 20th July, 2018 (18:30) | Palermo, ITALY | Moltivolti
– Thursday 16th August, 2018 (18:00) | Accra, GHANA | Nkabom Literary Art Festival
– Sunday 2nd September, 2018 (22:00) | Maribor, SLOVENIA | DokuDoc Film Festival
– Tuesday 4th September, 2018 (15:00) | Harare, ZIMBABWE | Zimbabwe International Film Festival
– Friday 7th September 2018 (19:30) | Zurich, SWITZERLAND | Maxim Theatre
– Sunday 9th September 2018 (18:00) | Basel, SWITZERLAND | Neues Kino
– Monday 10th September, 2018 (20:00) | Bern, SWITZERLAND | Reitschule Kino
– Tuesday 11th September, 2018 (19:00) | Lucerne, SWITZERLAND | Stattkino
– Friday 14th September, 2018 | Brühl, GERMANY | Cinema Zoom (African Film Festival of Cologne)
– Monday 17th September, 2018 (21:00) | Berlin, GERMANY | ACUD Kino
– Tuesday 18th September, 2018 (18:30) | Wuppertal, GERMANY | Rex Film Theater
– Wednesday 19th September, 2018 (19:30) | Freiburg, GERMANY | Kommunales Kino Feriburg
– Thursday 20th September, 2018 (20:00) | Freiburg, GERMANY | Autonomous Centre KTS
– Friday 21st September, 2018 (11am) | Basel, SWITZERLAND | Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute
– Wednesday 26th September, 2018 (15:00) | Moscow, RUSSIA | Days of Ethnographic Cinema
– Wednesday 26th September, 2018 (19:00.) | Gottingen, GERMANY | OM10
– Thursday 27th September, 2018 (19:30) | Kiel, GERMANY | Hansa48
– Monday 1st October, 2018 (20:00) | Oldenburg, GERMANY | Cine K
– Wednesday 10th October (20:00) | Dresden, GERMANY | AZ Conni (organised by Gruppe Cartonage)
– Monday 15th October, 2018 (18:00) | Almeria, SPAIN | Contra La Riqueza Que Empobrece, Actua
– Wednesday 17th October, 2018 (18:30) | Brussels, BELGIUM | European Parliament
– Thursday 18th October, 2018 (14:00) | Louvain La Neuve, Belgium | Musée L
– Saturday 3rd November 2018 (20:50) | Marburg, GERMANY | One With a Movie Camera Film Festival
– Tuesday 6th November, 2018 (19:30) | Hamburg, GERMANY | Augen Blicke Afrika Film Festival
– Tuesday 13th November, 2018 | Lagos, NIGERIA | Africa International Film Festival
– Friday 16th November (20:00) | Trento, ITALY | Human Rights Cinema
– Saturday 24th November (15:00) | Berlin, GERMANY | Borderline Europe Conference
– Monday 26th November (12:00 Midday) | Strasbourg, FRANCE | Council of Europe
– Wednesday 28th November 2018 (10:00) | Naples, ITALY | Napoli Human Rights Film Festival
– November 2018 | Santiago, CHILE | UNHCR – Cine bajo las estrellas
– 27th November-1st December 2018 | Dakar, SENEGAL | Cine Droit Libre
– Monday 1st December 2018 (09:30) | NIGERIA | National Television Broadcast – Silverbird (Afridocs)
– Monday 1st December 2018 (19:00) | ETHIOPIA | National Television Broadcast – KANA TV (Afridocs)
– Tuesday 2nd December 2018 (15:00) | ETHIOPIA | National Television Broadcast – KANA TV (Afridocs)
– Sunday 2nd December 2018 (17:15) | Glasgow, SCOTLAND | Document Film Festival
– Sunday 2nd December 2018 (20:10) | Vienna, AUSTRIA | Oktoskop (Television Broadcast)
– Monday 3rd December 2018 (19:00) London, ENGLAND | London Migration Film Festival
– Thursday 4th December 2018 (11:00) | ETHIOPIA | National Television Broadcast – KANA TV (Afridocs)
– November & December 2018 (ongoing) | IVORY COAST | Cinema du Desert – Traveling Cinema
– 15th November-15th December | ONLINE | Online Africa Film Festival
– 7th-15th December | Ouagadougou, BURKINA FASO | Cine Droit Libre
– Saturday 8th December (21:00) | London, ENGLAND | Portobello Winter Film Festival
– Sunday 9th December 2018 (20:10) | Vienna, AUSTRIA | Oktoskop (Television Broadcast)
– Friday 14th December 2018 (18:00) | Lesvos, GREECE | Mosaik Support Centre
– Saturday 15th December, 2018 (20:30) | Amsterdam, THE NETHERLANDS | Theatro Astaro
– Sunday 16th December, 2018 (17:00) | Amsterdam, THE NETHERLANDS | Studio K
– Friday 21st December, 2018 (16:00) | Rabat, MOROCCO | Rabat Africa Festival
– Saturday 26th January, 2019 (19:25) | Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC | Antropofest
– Monday 4th February, 2019 | GHANA | National Television Broadcast (TV3)
– Sunday 10th February, 2019 | Utrecht, THE NETHERLANDS | ACU
– Wednesday 13th March 2019 (18:00) | Berlin, GERMANY | AfricAvenir International e.V. (Kino Toni)
– Tuesday 19th March, 2019 (6:30pm) | Nairobi, KENYA | Docubox EADFF (Alliance Francaise Nairobi)
– Monday 1st April, 2019 | Nitra, SLOVAKIA | Echos of Antropofest
– Wednesday 3rd April, 2019 (Time T.B.C.) | Bruges, BELGIUM | United Nations University Campus
– Thursday 4th April, 2019 (18:30) | Brussels, BELGIUM | BSIS International Conference
– Thursday 4th April, 2019 (19:00) | Feucht, GERMANY | Asyl ist Menschenrecht (in association with Pro Asyl)
– Friday 12th April, 2019 (20:30) | Verona, ITALY | Festival di Cinema Africano
– Tuesday 28th May, 2019 (21:00) | Rimini, ITALY | Interazioni
– Friday 31st May, 2019 (Details T.B.C.) | Vienna, AUSTRIA | Althangrund
– 17th-23rd June, 2019 (Details T.B.C.) | Various cities, UNITED KINDOM | Moving Worlds
– Tuesday 9th July, 2019 (21:30) | Ragusa (Sicily), ITALY | Cinemino Polifemo
– Sunday 14th July | Berlin, GERMANY | Chancen Gestalten
– Friday 23rd August, 2019 | Urupia, ITALY | Festival delle Terre
– 13th-15th September, 2019 (Details T.B.C.) | Moray, SCOTLAND | The Adventure Travel Film Festival
– Thursday 26th September, 2019 (20:00) | Leipzig, GERMANY | globaLe
– Thursday 3rd October (Details T.B.C.) | Bratislava, SLOVAKIA | Snapshots from the Borders
– Thursday 3rd October (Details T.B.C.) | POLAND | Snapshots from the Borders
– Thursday 3rd October (Details T.B.C.) | THE NETHERLANDS | Snapshots from the Borders
– Thursday 3rd October (Details T.B.C.) | London, UNITED KINGDOM | Snapshots from the Borders
– Thursday 3rd October (Details T.B.C.) | IRELAND | Snapshots from the Borders
– Tuesday 22nd October, 2019 (19:00) | Lingen (GERMANY) | Seebrücke Lingen
– 8th-14th November, 2019 | Gothenburg, SWEDEN | The Exile Film Festival
– Wednesday 20th November 2019 | Leeds, United Kingdom | MEND (Muslim Engagement and Development)
– Thursday 13th February 2020 | Lisbon, Portugal | Cinéma du Désert : Ciclo Doc
– February 2020 | Bright, AUSTRALIA | The Adventure Travel Film Festival
– April 2020 | London Migration Film Festival (Online Retrospective)
Oktoskop Austrian Television – (December 2018, in English)
Birgun Gazetesi – “Mülteci gözünden mülteciliğin hikâyesi” (November 2018, in Turkish)
Deutsche Welle (DW) – “Mit der Kamera auf der Fluchtroute” (September 2018, in German)
El Pais – “Proezas y despojos del migrante” (January 2018, in Spanish)
David Fedele – director / producer / editor / sound design
David Fedele is an award-winning documentary filmmaker, born in Australia and now spending most of his time between the European and African continents. He is particularly interested in exploring cultural, humanitarian and social justice issues, and his films have covered such diverse topics as sub-Saharan African migration in Morocco, electronic waste in Ghana, and illegal logging in Papua New Guinea. His films have been broadcast and screened widely around the world, winning numerous prizes.
David’s previous film THE LAND BETWEEN (2014, 78mins) was awarded “Best Feature-length Documentary” at the FIFE International Environmental Film Festival in Paris, and has since been broadcast and screened hundreds of times around the world, winning many awards including Naples Human Rights Film Festival (Best Film), Festival of Migrant Film (Best Film) and Lampedusa Infestival (Best Film). It was also screened at the European Parliament in Brussels, Belgium. www.thelandbetweenfilm.com
In 2014, David was selected to participate at Berlinale Talents as part of Berlin International Film Festival. He was also a jury member at the Cinema Planeta International Environmental Film Festival 2014 in Cuernavaca, Mexico, and president of the jury at the SREM International Environmental Film Festival 2015 in Srem, Serbia.
Kumut Imesh – co-director / camera / protagonist
Originally from the Ivory Coast in West Africa, Kumut was forced to flee civil war in his country in 2004. Seeking a peaceful and safe place to live, he began the long journey across the African continent before finally arriving in Morocco, where he spent 7 years. While in Morocco he worked closely with NGOs and associations working closely with other migrants, providing support and assistance.
In 2013 he met the film director David Fedele in Morocco, and he worked as the translator for the film The Land Between. During this time, Kumut developed a very keen interest in documentary filmmaking, especially the potential to tell stories from an African perspective, and the original idea to make a film retracing his journey across Africa was born.
In 2014 Kumut arrived in Europe, and was granted asylum. He currently lives as a refugee in France, working as a webmaster. He is also the founder and president of ACSORE (Actions of Solidarity for Refugees), an association in France that works for the social and educational integration of asylum seekers and refugees.
REVENIR is Kumut’s first film.

Written & Directed by
Filmed by
Produced & Edited by
Voice-over recording
BENJAMIN MOREAU (Kawati Studios)
Animation & Motion design
Sound design & Mixing
Second camera
Voice-over script support
Additional translation
Website support
Composer: Majid Bekkas
Publisher: SOWAREX
Producer: IGLOO Records
Composer: Tarik Bouabel
Producer: Red Room Records
Performer: Mahmoud Guinia
Co-produced and with special thanks to the 242 people from 35 countries around the world
who contributed to the film’s crowdfunding campaign (under the working title Clandestine Crossing).
Sven-Olof Lindblad & Kristin Hettermann, Richard & Susie Colless
Ross Doherty, Michael & Jess Winterburn, Jane Northey, Walshe & Whitelock, Patrick & Juanita Monahan, (Anonymous x 2)
Adrian Lochland, Adrian Nigro, Alessandro Venza, Alex L Keefe, Allie Wharf, Amanda Lacey, Ambdrets, Andrew Heath, Andrew Hinton,
Andy Dalrymple, Angela Pavesi, Annie Perkins, Anonymous (x 31), Angie Colless, Anna Wittenborg, Annette Currey, Another Thinking Moment,
Anthony Speaight, Antoine Frere, Arturo Gaona, Ashley Read, Aya Kremp, Ben Brady, Bénédicte Romieu, Beth Haworth-Kaufka, Bill Pullman,
Blue Mountains Refugee Support, Brian Ramirez Patiño, Brian Traynor, Brigid Linden, Cait Jones, Caoimhe Butterfly, Carina Krause, Carmel Cloran,
Carmen Nigro & Anthony La Sala, Carola Pfau, Catherine Saint-James, Chips Mackinolty, Chris King, Chris Monahan, Christian Von Borries,
Christoph Schwarzenbach, Citizen of the World, Clare Fedele & Phil Barcellona, Claudia Cipriani, Claudio Von Planta, Clive Patterson, Cristel Capucci,
Damien Lewis, Dan Colless, Daniel Kenyon, Daniel Slodowicz, Daniel Terry, Dario Sajeva, Dave Levi, David Cantero Perez, David Delzoppo,
Demian, Diana Hernández, Dom Otwarty (Poland), Don Flynn, Ecofund, Eleonore Wolters, Emily & Daniel Mezo, Emily Webb, Emma Hutchings,
Etienne Deshormes, Fanny Villacampa, Fedele Jewelworks, Frank & Sheila Fedele, Fundación Bayt al-Thaqafa, Gaia Bonetti, Garry Mcbride,
Gary & Claire Baird, Giedre Apanaviciute, Giuseppe Cipriani, Gosia Winter, Greg Monahan, Guy Hume, Hans-Jörg Heinrich, Helena Clements,
Heléne Hedberg, Helena-Ulrike Marambio, Hervé Belin, Hiroko Ebihara, Holly Short, Igor Unuk, Isabelle Wahedova, Jacinta Plucinski, Jakob Fin,
Jasmine Beth, Jean-Paul Julliand, Jean-Philippe Tremblay, Jessica Winterburn, Joan O’Callaghan, Johannes Bühler, John C. Swanson, Jose Díez,
Josie & Nick Noviello, Josja Van Zadelhoff, Joy Awe, Joy Marie Butler, Judith and Frank, Julian Coco, Kate Sadler, Kathie Herbert, Kelly Waldeck,
Kevin McElvaney, Kir. Krueger, Laia Luthi Sole, Lara Damiani, Lene Guercke, Lesley-Anne O’brien, Lesley Podesta, Lindy Gander, Liz & Vince Nigro,
Lizzie Wynn, Louise Fedele, Luke Hede, Luke Paolini & Sara Santalucia, Luke Sadler, Lulius-Cezar Macarie, Lynn & Peter Demaio, Magali Caillet,
Magdalena Tulaza, Mandana Mo, Marc Jongebloed, Marcus Bernestrom, Marcus Williams, Mardi Doherty, Margaret Rose Widuckel,
María Isolda Perelló Carrascosa, Maria Spink, Markus Nord, Mark Heath, Mark Vanden Boom, Matt Wagner, Maurine Coppens, Mauro Bucci,
Melinda Hinkson, Merijn Ryckebusch, Michael Eva, Michael Killian, Michael Schulzebeer, Mike Clayton, Milena Vela, Miriam Edding,
Monique Van Den Boom, Movin (Startmovin.com), Natalie Doherty, Natalie Lowrey, Natalie Rynkiewicz, Nicholas Bland, Olivier Pollet, Omer Tzuk,
Pauline Koch, Pauline Zapulla, Passaport / Antoine Cassar, Pasquale & Pascale Porquier-Fedele, Pat Mcindoe, Peter Johnstone, Peter Robert Cridland,
Philip Parker, Philippa Baines, Rachel Jones, Rashid Bouaissi, Reagan A Kinman, Rebecca Garnett, Rebecca Kenyon, Robert Swindells, Rob Fedele,
Rosario La Placa, Salvo Manzone, Samantha Riddle, Sara Patu, Sarah Russell, Sean Martin, Shirley Barnes, Sienadune Buchanan, Silvia Rignanese,
Silvia Von Verschuer, Simon Deeley, Simon Kamm, Simon Plucinski, Simone Delzoppo, Sophie Samyn, Stefano Martone, Steve Hobbs,
Steven Christini, Sue & John Cahill, Suna Alan, Therese Winterburn, Tim More, Tomoko Nishizak, Tony Barcellona, Tony & Julie Ottobre,
Tony & Mimma Fedele, Tony Noviello, Vanessa Barcellona, Victor Toy, Viktorija Kos, Wendy Fedele & Ray Good, Yamina B, Zennet Colburn,
Zsenne Artlab Brussels
With support from, and special thanks to
The filmmakers would also like to thank
Abdou Salam Sow, Anaïs Pichard, Antoine Vilette, Benedicte Ogou, Ben Lane, Breto, Camille Denis, Cécile Allegra, Cheick Yacoub Sylla,
Claudio Von Planta, Elsa Tyszler, GADEM, Hassan, Geoffrey Smith, Giacomo Zandonini, Hatem Gheribi & Family, Helena Marambio, Jean Weil,
Johannes Bühler, Jonathan Durand, Jose Luis Díez, Maëlle Robertson, Fr Mauro Armanino, Margaret Mackay, Michael Eva, Milena Vela,
Mimma Fedele, Miriam Edding, Moustapha, Nordine Fleur, Pascal Duterme, Pascale Porquier-Fedele, Philip Barcellona, Rebecca Kenyon,
Robert Fedele, Salvo Manzone, SCI-Projets Internationaux, Selim El Bousaadi, Silvia Rignanese, Soufian Al Kadaoui, Tony Fedele, Zoé Perrin
– For any queries, for festival or distribution enquires, or to organise / host your own screening,
please email the filmmaker David Fedele directly: david@david-fedele.com
– To watch David’s previous films, please visit his website: www.david-fedele.com
– For updates on screenings and special information, sign up for our email newsletter.